The lovely and super talented Sarah Marsh stops by my blog today to talk about her latest release, DARK REDEMPTION.
by Sarah Marsh
Broken Souls Series, #1
Release Date: August 30, 2016
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Cover Designer: Redbird Designs
Sofia Boon was ready to make changes in her
life, but she didn’t see this coming…Taking a chance, she finds the nerve to
ask out her handsome neighbor, but when he doesn’t show up for their date,
Sofia knocks on his door and meets a man claiming to be his roommate, and she
soon realizes she’s made a horrible mistake.
Eitan Kent is a tortured man, haunted by a death
he was unable to prevent…
Eitan believes he is unworthy of being loved. He
buries himself in his work and takes a job to track down a wanted criminal, Ben
Donovan. He locates Donovan’s apartment, but finds it empty—until Donovan’s
“date” shows up.
Eitan doesn’t know what to make of sweet, curvy
Sofia, but she’s the only lead he has…
Feeling he has no choice, Eitan decides to take
her with him to see if she can somehow lead him to Donovan before it’s too
late—or if her innocence is all an act and she’s involved in the bastard’s
Sofia is terrified and tries to explain to the
dark stranger that she barely knows her neighbor and has no idea how to track
him down, but Eitan knows exactly how to get the truth from her. Who knew a
little torture could be so sweet?

Kindle Unlimited:
That rat bastard! She thought as she watched him stroll out of the
room just as though nothing had happened. As if he hadn’t just gotten her so
turned on that she thought she’d spontaneously combust and then just…left.
Sofia didn’t think about what she would have
done if he’d tried to have sex with her. That would just ruin the fury she was
currently riding. She should be relieved he hadn’t tried to force her. She should
have been, logically speaking, but she had to admit to herself her overheated
body was ready to beg for release and that her traitorous hormones were killing
the rational part of her brain. Sofia knew it was crazy, but all she could
think about right now was that the most satisfying way to get some relief was
under her sexy captor. It was an issue that only got worse as he walked back
into the room with a tray of food and all that beautiful, tanned bare skin.
“Here, let me help you sit up so you can eat,”
he said, putting the tray down on the nightstand and moving closer, “Or would
you rather wash up and use the bathroom first?”
“Bathroom first, please,” she said immediately,
thinking she could follow his lead and get some satisfaction while cleaning up.
But clearly her eagerness must have given her
away because he raised one eyebrow in challenge.
“Okay, but you have ten minutes to shower, and
you are not allowed to touch yourself other than to get clean―am I understood?”
he said in a firm tone as he leaned forward and undid her wrists.
“You’re going to watch me?” she asked, not quite
certain if she was offended or turned on at the prospect. She wondered for a
second why his firm tone seemed to excite her more than it should have.
“Do you want me to watch you?” he whispered low
next to her ear, causing awareness to spread through her entire body.
Sofia was a little breathless at the thought of
putting on the same show for him as he did for her, but in the end, her pride
won out over the wanton need she felt inside.
“No,” she barely answered, and it sounded weak
even to her ears.
His deep chuckle at her answer made her nipples
peak even more, and she was almost disappointed when he leaned back and pushed
the timer on his watch.
“You’ve got ten minutes, Sofia. Then I come in
and get you.”
Sofia had never used the washroom and showered
so fast in all her life, she got done with barely a minute to spare as she put
her bra and underwear back on and then wrapped herself in a big fluffy towel
before she walked back out into the room.
“You can keep the towel until you’ve eaten, then
it’s off,” he said once he saw her.
She’d take that small win, and she took her
sweet ass time eating as well until he finally took the tray away after she’d
spent five minutes chewing a single piece of melon.
“Now are you going to make this difficult on
both of us or are you going to behave?” he said as he motioned toward the wrist
cuffs once again.
She thought about it, but there was nothing she
could do against his superior strength, so she begrudgingly laid back against
the padded headboard and raised her wrists.
“Why are you doing this?” she asked quietly. “I
told you everything I know already.”
“Well, I’ll see about that soon enough, won’t
I?” was all he said in reply as he fastened the cuffs and picked up the tray
before he left the room.
By the time Eitan had gotten the kitchen cleaned
up from breakfast and returned to the bedroom, he was already half hard from
replaying how she’d looked watching him come in the shower. He thought about
putting on a pair of jeans, but why bother? He certainly wasn’t ashamed for her
to see how she affected him and she sure as hell didn’t seem to be put off by
his body, so he may as well use that to his advantage, right?
“Ready for the ankle cuffs?” he asked as he
entered the room.
He saw her swallow hard and move her legs
tighter together.
“Why do you have to?” she asked with a worried
look. “Are you going to touch me?”
“You don’t want me to touch you?” he challenged,
already knowing her body didn’t have any arguments.
“Of course I don’t want you to touch me!” she
answered, clearly trying to sound offended that he’d suggest such a thing, “I
don’t even know your name!”
“Well, that’s easy enough to remedy,” he said as
he placed one knee on the bed and pulled up the first ankle cuff. “My name is
Eitan. Now give me your leg, Sofia.”
He could tell she was surprised he’d given her
his name, and to be truthful, he was a bit surprised by that himself. But the
more he thought about his name on her lips as she moaned her pleasure, the
harder his cock got. He was doing all sorts of things with this little captive
that seemed to be breaking his rules, and Eitan wasn’t sure he really cared.
When she tentatively placed her little foot in
his hand, he quickly attached the cuff and then slowly ran his fingers over the
softness of her skin. Clearly she waxed her legs as the skin was still supple
and hair free. That thought made him more aware of the noticeably smooth skin
under those pretty purple panties, and his mouth watered as he imagined how
soft it would feel under his tongue. As he fastened the second cuff and her
legs moved further apart, it was all he could do not to crawl up her body and
relieve her of those panties just as he’d fantasized about doing in the shower
this morning. It was then that he finally had to admit to himself that this
interrogation was probably going to be more difficult for him than it was going
to be for her…because his self-control was already bucking to be let loose.

Sarah Marsh was born in British Columbia where she still lives, she has only recently began her writing career finding it the perfect outlet for taking the edge off a nine to five office job. She’s been a science fiction and romance junkie for years and when her imagination started to take the characters she’d read about even further in their adventures she decided to try writing something of her own.
Sarah’s also a former pastry chef and spends a lot of time cooking and baking for friends and family as well as painting and knitting. Her biggest weaknesses are animals of any kind…she even loves the ones that wake you up at four in the morning because they can almost see the bottom of their food dish.
When it comes to life in general she’s a big believer that laughter is the best medicine and that there’s no such thing as too much love, which is why she’s such a sucker for a happy ending.
Street Team:

Thanks for stopping by, Sarah, :)
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