Thursday, June 16, 2022

Katie Zaber Talks STRANGER SHORES, DALYA BOOK III Available on July 29, 2022

Katie Zaber stops by today to talk about her upcoming release Stranger Shores, Dalya Book III, releasing on July 29, 2022.

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Busy learning how to kill with her gift of life, Princess Megan craves time to practice how to heal, but knows that only death will win the upcoming war. 

For the first time in Megan’s life, she has fallen in love, and with the wrong man, at that. As much as she loves Mana, will she have to end their relationship to keep her promise to the soon-to-be king of the Syreni, Prince Aenon?

Meanwhile, Kevin is busy preparing for his child with Dana and trying to keep Megan out of trouble. When Brynjar takes him to the Saoirson Fighters’ hideout, he realizes he knows nothing and if he wants answers, he’ll have to talk to people he never expected to meet and never wanted to.

On Earth, Carmia is learning what makes this foreign world spin. She discovers an island with inhabitants that appear primitive but are more sophisticated than anyone on Dalya. Their technology is more advanced than the inventions in her dreams. She flirts with the idea of staying on Earth forever until tragedy sends her sailing back to Dalya and into a deadly storm. She promises to return and never leave Earth again.

At the same time, the king of the Paradise Kingdom and secretly all of Dargone, Megan’s father, plans his next move against his daughter, giving her a surprise she will never expect.

Let’s get to know the author:

Tell us about yourself—where are you from? What are three fun facts about you?
Hello! My name is Katie Zaber, author of the two different fantasy series Dalya and DNA. I live in Morris County, New Jersey where I can enjoy the woods and it’s a short ride to the beach. 
Three fun facts about me… I make my own country wine. Sweet, fruity wine that tastes amazing on a hot summer day. My favorite flavor so far is a watermelon cherry and apple cider wine. I also love to bake and make chocolates. Since I live in an apartment and have zero outdoor space, I’ve made an indoor garden. I grow anything from tomatoes to green beans and even a gigantic brussels sprout plant that was as tall as me. Most of my garden is hydroponic, but I do have a diamond grape vine growing in hopes of one day turn it into wine.

What genre(s) do you write?
I write fantasy, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance. I really love to submerge myself into something different that takes me out of this world and into an entirely different one.

When did you start writing and what inspired you to write?
I’ve always been creative, but never took up writing until I was recovering from surgery, was on a lot of meds, and let my imagination loose. Once off the meds and healed, I edited Ashes and Blood, working through draft after draft until I was happy. Ashes and Blood was published May 13, 2020 after working on it for about two years.  

Do you have a favorite time of day to write? Favorite place to write?
I don’t have a favorite time of day to write, it’s whenever inspiration strikes. I love sitting at my walnut-stained secretary desk with a hutch holding an array of keepsakes. Albums, picture frames, my Snoopy collection, souvenirs, and nostalgic knickknacks line the shelves of the hutch. My work space is a wonderland of post-it notes in twelve different colors and designs. On the right corner of my desk, shoved between the monitor and notary stamp, is a yellow, mini-spiral notebook that contains book outlines, plots, and ideas. The notebook is separated by little sticker tabs. The tabs not in use are floating on the surface of pamphlets and lists of login information to accounts I hardly visit. Between my monitor and keyboard is a black erase board that I jot notes on. A leather bounded diary with nautical embellishments, complete with anchor bookmark, holds random thoughts and sketches. A mechanical pen can be spotted, hiding between the yellow notebook and leather diary. Its extra parts—erasers & extra graphite are strewn about the entire desk. It’s a happy, functional mess.

Do you ever put any of your own traits or experiences in any of your books? If so, can you give us an example?
I love food. If you read my books, you’ll find out how much my characters love to eat and that they have a similar palette to mine.

Tells us about your book/series:

How did you come up with the idea for this book/series? And if this is a series, how many books do you have planned so far?
Would you believe I came up with the Dalya series while recovering from spinal surgery and on a ton of meds that made my imagination go wild? It’s true, but it did take four drafts to make the first book complete. The first draft was a little…well, have you read Alice and Wonderland? The Dalya books series has five books in the series and at least one spinoff book planned. I’m releasing the third book in the series, Stranger Shores mid to end of July.

How would you describe your main characters?
Stubborn. That’s something two of my main characters, Megan and Carmia, share. Both are stubborn in their own ways but at the same time have the same goals: to be independent women or have the option to choose. Carmia is also fierce where Megan doesn’t know how to throw a punch, but she’s smart. Their strategies of how to stick to their plans or ideals differ completely, but in the end, the will both get what they want… but it might not be how they envisioned it.

Random facts:

Favorite color? 
Forest Green

Talents, hidden or otherwise? 
I love to bake and make wine. I also study ninjitsu. That’s right, I’m a ninja in training.

Favorite genre(s) to read? 
Anything Fantasy or Sci-fi, I’m not picky as long as it takes me out of this world.

Songs on your current playlist?
I’ve been listening to Spoon and Black Keys the last few weeks. 

Panster or plotter?
Both. I’ll make an outline, but it won’t be complete. It’s more of a general guide of what needs to happen.


Katie Zaber, author of the series Dalya and DNA, is a fantasy author whose imagination knows no bounds. As a child, her parents read stories about Atlantis and other fictional places that she dreamed of exploring, fueling her love of history, adventure, and fantasy. She loves to spend what little free time she has winemaking, baking, and reading. When she has a full day to herself, you can find her at the beach or at a winery. Her favorite meals are the ones her boyfriend cooks, and she loves spending quiet nights at home with him, binge watching new fantasy shows or play video games.

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Thanks for stopping by, Katie. :)

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